Turmeric chicken with tomatoes is my go-to easy and delicious chicken recipe that I can eat every day without any guilt. They say necessity is the mother of invention. One day I realized I had no curry powder left but...
Trini Curry chicken with pigeon peas is a family favorite. In this simple recipe, the curry powder, cumin and the abundance of fresh herbs make it not only delicious but also super healthy! What to eat with Curry Chicken with...
Roast Bakes or Pot bakes, as they are referred to, are nothing short of heavenly. Accompanied by eggs, slathered with butter or cheese, or breaking off a piece to scoop up smoked herring and tomatoes, saltfish and tomatoes or buljol...
Fried Bake (also known as "fry bake") is another very popular Trinidadian breakfast "bread". It is actually fried, not baked. If you have heard of the most famous Trinidad bake and shark, this is my recipe for the "bake" with...
When life gets in the way, this is the type of quick meals I depend on--and I thought you would also benefit from this delicious, budget friendly, quick recipe! Canned Salmon is essential in every pandemic and emergency pantry or...
It was another cold day and I was home alone in need of Trini comfort food, so I made myself fried smelt, a substitute for sardines, which are hard to come by. I enjoyed it thoroughly with dhal and freshly...
Let's make a quick & simple chicken pelau! Happy New Year! Today we will focus on a simple & flavorful dish everyone needs in their arsenal-chicken pelau. What is Chicken Pelau? Chicken pelau is a savory one-pot Trinidadian favorite. Meat...
Good morning! Hope everyone had a great Christmas. It was a peaceful one for me, with some of my favorite people and my favorite foods. Christmas is not Christmas without my mom’s cooking and the red beans and callaloo combination...
Curry chicken with potatoes is like a comforting hug on a plate. It's a classic dish where tender chicken pieces and hearty potatoes are simmered in a flavorful curry base. Here's how it usually goes down: You've got your chicken,...
Growing up in Trinidad more than 40 years ago, my aunt Taina (Dad's younger sister) made this delicious dish of scrambled egg and tomatoes for breakfast. For me, it was more than just scrambled eggs. I was mesmerized by the...
Curry home fowl is a delicacy in Trinidad. Many folks have what is referred to as layers or home fowl in the yard that’s prepared on special occasions. In New York, we get home fowl at Key Food. It is...
This is the holiday lasagna I made on the very popular Thanksgiving Feast video on You Tube. It has been requested numerous times so I finally decided to make the time and post this delicious recipe. Another recipe long...
This curry seafood medley is the perfect quick meal for a weekday or weekend. The eggplant in this dish is totally optional but helps to stretch the meal if your family has a hearty appetite and you only have only...
Back in the days my dad was a fisherman. He always brought home the best catch of the day and the most colossal shrimp I've ever seen to date. Nowadays, it is difficult to source fresh fish where I live...
Looking for a sponge cake recipe that’s light, airy, and flavorful without being eggy or dry? This classic Trini sponge cake recipe delivers all the deliciousness you crave in a Caribbean dessert, with troubleshooting tips to help you avoid common...
Curry conch was a delicacy growing up. Nowadays it’s hard to source and very expensive which is why it’s a treat when we do get to enjoy it. Recently, we were able to source some conchs from Astoria Queens. Aunty...
Curry mango can be a main dish, side dish, condiment or snack. It is sweet, spicy, savory and satisfying. One of the greatest joys of eating this is sucking on the seed. It is a great side dish for curry...
When you are in the mood for a spicy(or not) curry without all the drama, here is great 20-minute substitute. I love how simple and quick it comes together without compromising on flavor. If you already have pre made green...
Coconut bakes, coconut pot bake, roast bakes or pot bakes, as they are referred to, are nothing short of heavenly. How to enjoy these bakes? Full of coconut flavor, eating it with fried eggs, or slathered with butter or cheese,...
For West Indians, curry duck is not only a delicacy; it is a passion. For many, it is the cornerstone of the food culture. Whether it’s curry duck and white rice with murtani on the side, or curry duck with...
I still recall the taste of my mom’s Chinese style fried chicken and seeing the fried ginger and hot pepper which was thrown to the side of the stove, which were used to infuse the frying oil. The experience was...
Today we are making aloo roti also called aloo puri or aloo paratha, another type of stuffed roti enjoyed in Trinidad, other parts of the Caribbean, and around the world. How to make aloo roti? To make this roti, a...
I prepared this grilled chicken kebab for lunch a few Sundays ago and served it along with my cilantro lime rice, grilled lamb kebabs, a greek inspired salad with feta and some cilantro dressing to drizzle on both the meat...
Curry stew is just what the name infers, a combination of curry and stew. The best of both worlds. I figure one day a Trini realized they didn’t want to make curry nor stew, because they made it recently, and...
Many, many years ago during one of my visits to Trinidad, we (husband and I - no kids then) were invited to my niece's in laws for a 'lime'(Trini get together). There was card playing, laughter, rum, curry agouti (wild...
This is the first fried rice I learned to make. What I think of when anyone refers to Trini fried rice. The fried rice Mummy cooked on Sundays for lunch with baked chicken, pepper shrimps, potato salad and a garden...
In this version of stewed fish, a firm of your choice is marinated with blended fresh herbs and garlic. After marinating, the fish is then floured and fried until golden brown. After frying, the fish is simmered in a fragrant...
This quick, simple, budget-friendly and healthy steamed cabbage recipe, referred to as "fry cabbage" in Trinidad and is traditionally eaten as a main vegan/vegetarian dish with sada roti, fried bake, dosti roti, paratha roti, hops bread or even coconut bake...
In the realm of morning delights, my younger daughter Lani is an unwavering advocate for the grandeur of breakfast. But not just any breakfast—she seeks the harmonious symphony of pancakes, french toast, waffles, crepes, eggs, bacon, ham, and a...
This is the recipe that made my husband overcome his dislike for curry fish. He even went as far as to say that this is the best fish he has ever eaten. I don’t know if this was to mamaguy...
Happy New Year is in order --even though it's the 16th --as this is my very first post of the New Year! I wanted to start on a sweet note so today I am sharing my secret sweet bread recipe--developed...
Today I'll teach you how to make my current obsession, - eggplant and potato with chickpeas (curry channa with baigan and aloo). Whatever way you say it, the result is still phenomenal! On weekends, I wake up early to check...
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1664"] Amazing Curry Shrimp and roti[/caption] I hope everyone had a fantastic Mother's Day weekend. I sure did. The gifts were simple, the love and appreciation were endless. The payment for all the food and love I...
Hope everyone's year started off productive and promising. I am chipping away at work, and home and trying to stay on track with posting here on the blog and YouTube. All the organizing I failed to accomplish at year's end...
Aloo pie is fried dough filled with savory mashed potatoes that’s seasoned simply with bandhania (culantro), cumin, onion and garlic. This snack (or meal) is right up there in popularity with doubles, saheena, pholourie,dhal pholourie, kachori and bake and...
"Trinidad stewed red beans is a mainstay in our cuisine. For a typical simple Sunday lunch, it is usually accompanied by baked or stewed chicken, steamed rice, and a salad." A little update. Change seems to be the only constant...
Growing up in Trinidad, pumpkin talkari and dost roti (a layered roti) was one of my absolute favorite meals! Strangely enough, it is also my 10-year-old daughter's favorite meal as well. In my recipe below, cubes of pumpkin are sautéed...
This beloved bread has evoked many passionate discussions that extend from the north to the south. The Northerners prefer their cornbread sweet and the Southerners never add sugar. This Trini will avoid that controversy. Allow me to exercise my First...
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="903"] Slice of macaroni pie on a plate[/caption] Macaroni pie is not to be confused with the American mac and cheese, which my kids would eat everyday if I allow them to. They would let you know...
This post made me question my sanity. Cooking, pic taking and catering to everyone in my household simultaneously is quite challenging. Sometimes I wonder why my hobby wasn't as easy as looking at television. I can't explain this passion. Who spends...