Category: Vacation
Baigan Choka Recipe
Since I last posted I have traveled on business, arranged a beach “lime” with my wonderful cousins (with fried bake and shark, saltfish and tomatoes and fry bodi for breakfast and curried duck, dhal and rice for lunch), partied and...
Trinidad Vacation – Fun & Food under the sun
The kids were off from school eager for excitement and adventure, the husband complained that he was stressed (the mother’s needs are insignificant) and so I booked a last minute flight. As luck would have it, winter break coincided...
Goodbye….a year in review…and a “healthy” note…
Saying goodbye isn’t easy. I would like to hold on to 2011 with my dear life for in January a birthday patiently awaits, and I’ll be another year closer to 40 [biting eight fingers]. It’s baffling. I am...
A day at Chaguanas Market, Trinidad
To me, the market in any country is usually the most exciting place to visit because it is a cultural museum and tells so much about the country and its people. During my most recent visit to Trinidad(updated 2019), going to the market...
Trinidad Vacation – 2011
In my absence I visited my home-country, the beautiful island of Trinidad. ...and experienced a beautiful sunset at Maracas Beach, one of the most popular beaches on the island. After, I feasted on the world famous Trinidad fried bake and...
My name is Jan and they named January after me
As I mentioned on my Facebook page, I am working on several recipes but wanted to share this story with you in the meantime. This morning I had the pleasure of meeting Jan. Driving back home (around 9 am) from the fish market,...