
Chalta, also known as Dillenia indica, is a tropical fruit native to South and Southeast Asia. It is a large fruit that grows on the chalta tree, which can reach heights of up to 15 meters. The fruit itself is round and can measure up to 12 centimeters in diameter.

The chalta fruit has a greenish-yellow skin that becomes softer as it ripens, and its flesh is juicy and acidic with a tart, sour taste. The flavor profile is often described as a combination of sourness and bitterness. Inside the fruit, there are several small, yellowish-brown seeds embedded in the pulp.

Indian migrants introduced the chalta tree and its fruit to Trinidad and Tobago, bringing it to the island. During October, chalta ripens, and you will find it widely available in many markets throughout Trinidad.

Chalta is not eaten in the raw state and is mainly used in Trinidad to make a chalta achar/pickled chalta.

Pic Courtesy:: Namdevco, Trinidad